Computer History Links-
It turns out that the history of computers is more subjective than one could imagine. There are many sites that have history timelines and many different claims for the "first" computer, the first personal computer, the first laptop, etc. Rather than leap right into that fray we will post here a series of links to web sites that have timelines. This will be lots easier for you than using a search engine to find them. Eventually we may decide to put up our own timeline, but for now we will just point you to some of the ones we know about:
A Timeline of Computer and Internet History
All About the Father of the Computer: Charles Babbage
American University Computing History Museum
Apple Historyjust the Apple stuff
Computer Chronicles: From Stone to Silicon
Computer-ArchivGerman language, but clear data - timeline is on the left margin
Computer History Imagesjust pictures, not a timeline
Computer History Museumvery comprehensive, and covers the real First Microprocessor
They cover the first microprocessor questionhere and in a video here.
Computer Hopesubsections on the Internet, various vendors, etc.
Computers in Spaceflight: The NASA Experience
Data Storage Historylink refers to Cloud Computing but there isn't anything about that
Every Product Apple Has Made So Far (to 2018)
Evolution of the Portable Computer
Historic Computer Imagesmore pictures
History of Computing Informationarmy sponsored research
Kim Moser's Computer History Brochures
Ken Polsson's Chronology of Personal Computers
Konrad Zuseone candidate for "the first computer"
Magnetic Disk Heritage Centerdisks only
Mechanical Calculationmechanical machines - no specific timeline
Museum of Pocket Calculating Devicescalculators only
PC HistoryPCs only
The Birth of the Information Age (ENIAC)
The Centre for Computing History
The F-14A Central Air Data Computer (CADC) Allegedly the world's first microprocessor
but, see this Wikipedia article.
The First Generation Computers
The History of Computing Project
The history of modern computers and their some wrong dates, but pretty good
The Intel 4004Also allegedly the world's first microprocessor
The John Vincent Atanasoff Virtual ArchiveUS Federal court says this is the 1st electronic digital computer
The Living Internetjust about the Internet, not computers
The Machine That Changed The World developed and distributed by WGBH (PBS)
The Obsolete Technology Website
The Oughtred SocietyJust slide rules - early mechanical analog computers
Tim Robinson's Meccano Computing MachineryBabbage's difference engine made from Mecccano parts
Totalisator History: An Australian Achievement
Vintage Calculators Web Museum
Wikipedia - History of computing
X Number: World of CalculatorsClick on History in the left sidebar
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